Daniel Santos

Week 05, 2024


While I was on vacations I accident broke one of my teeth. And this week I could finally go to the dentist in order to have it properly treated, a root canal treatment — taking me so many weeks to have it treated because I had to wait for my dentist to get back from _her_ own vacations.

Work has developed as usual this week, with me going to work in person at the office last Thursday — when I met my good friends and we engaged on a fine, collective activity — and from home for the rest of the week, with nothing else worth noting, except that I’m very much liking what I’m currently involved in.

Opposite to last week, I couldn’t swim any time this week. This made me feel sad on the one hand because I’m truly looking for creating a habit out of it, but, on the other hand, weather didn’t quite help me a lot. The pool I use, although climatized, isn’t warm. So it helps against feeling cold, but only to a point, and it was beyond help all week. I do hope to have better luck next week.

Also, I kept telling myself I needed to go have my hair cut all week… but I didn’t. This really gets on my nerves, as I don’t actually like my hair longer than a certain limit, so this, too, has to be taken care of sooner than later next week.

I read a very good article on Asterisk Magazine this week, “Why You’ve Never Been In a Plane Crash”, about how the process of air accident investigations evolved along years to become focused on what happened to result in a fatality, rather than on who was responsible, or should be blamed for it. Working in the aviation industry as I do, it made complete sense to me to see that no one should promote a witch hunt in every air crash, but instead determine what actions and improvements to make aviation ever safer for all of us.

From proved to be a very nice mystery and horror show. We’ve finished binge watching season 1 and went straight to season 2, where we’re already 4 episodes in. The show, by the way, was created by John Griffin, the same mind behind Lost, which I watched some years ago and also enjoyed, despite of its horrible last season. I do hope From does better, though, and that seems to be happening so far.

I’ve also watched a nice, 1h30 long documentary on Netflix called The Greatest Night in Pop, telling the interesting story of the USA for Africa song, “We are the World”, recorded way back in January 1985, when I was only 7 years old. Though young at that time, this song has always felt so nice to me and listening to it usually gives me good vibes and memories. So, it was very interesting to find out details about how 46 music icons, including Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper, and Stevie Wonder, came together and in a single night recorded a masterpiece that, to me, has never, to date, been equaled. If you like music, you should watch it.

I’m almost done with the first book of the First Dune Trilogy (the one called “Dune”, itself divided into three books, actually parts of the story. People refer to the saga as the best sci-fi piece ever written, what I’m not going to debate because I’m still in the middle of it, but let’s see. Liking it so far.